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Qingdao Future Security and Environment-Protecting Equipment Co.,Ltd. A reputable manufactuer and supplier of spercial safety and defence and environment-protecting eqeuipment and facilities in shandong province,manufacturing and distrbuing equipment with regard to such areas as safety,defence and protection of the environment. Cooperating with well-know undertakings both at home and abroad (Bagu,3M Qingsheng,for example);taking advantage of the relationship between the company and the exprot corporation, Future supplies high-performance-price-ration safety and environment-protecting products, techniacl consultation server and professional training to internal and external clients ,and therefore promotes the development of china’s security and enviroment-protecting cause,creating a healthy and nice environment for the unisonous development of the human society. The company headquarters in Qingdao with special exhibition hall for its manufacture, and hasdistrbution offices in...

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公司名称 青岛富安特安全安全用品
资料认证 企业资料未认证
保 证 金 0.00
公司类型 企业单位 (制造商)
所 在 地 山东/临沂市
公司规模 1-49人
注册资本 未填写
注册年份 2001
经营模式 制造商
经营范围 经营各种安全防护用品,防寒耐低温手套,隔热耐高温手套,户外运动手套,防护服,防护眼镜,防护靴,防护帽,护腰,等
销售的产品 耐低温手套|隔热耐高温手套|户外运动手套|防护服|防护眼镜|防护靴|防护帽|护腰
主营行业 安防 / 安全防护用品 / 防护服     安防 / 安全防护用品 / 防护鞋     安防 / 安全防护用品 / 防护手套     安防 / 安全防护用品 / 防护面罩面具     安防 / 安全防护用品 / 防护眼镜眼罩     安防 / 安全防护用品 / 防护耳塞耳罩    

Qingdao Future Security and Environment-Protecting Equipment Co.,Ltd. A reputable manufactuer and supplier of spercial safety and defence and environment-protecting eqeuipment and facilities in shandong province,manufacturing and distrbuing equipment with regard to such areas as safety,defence and protection of the environment.
Cooperating with well-know undertakings both at home and abroad (Bagu,3M Qingsheng,for example);taking advantage of the relationship between the company and the exprot corporation, Future supplies high-performance-price-ration safety and environment-protecting products, techniacl consultation server and professional training to internal and external clients ,and therefore promotes the development of china’s security and enviroment-protecting cause,creating a healthy and nice environment for the unisonous development of the human society.
The company headquarters in Qingdao with special exhibition hall for its manufacture, and hasdistrbution offices in Jinan,Yantai and Dongying so as to provide products of hight quality and conveninet service for our clients
Future-commits itself to China’s security and environment –protecing project!

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